An authentic Eddie Merckx columbus slx steel bike from 1989,in Team 7 Eleven colors. The frame is a genuine vintage Corsa Extra frame with chromed fork. This bike was hand crafted in Belgium, its beautiful lug work attests to it. SLX was the most technologically advanced steel tubing at a time when new materials like titanium and carbon fibre were just being introduced.
Good steel tubes back are designed to act like a spring, with a certain amount of give when energy is supplied, and then snapping back like a trampoline. The SLX was designed by Columbus to do exactly that, and in fact, it tubing actually has a coil that winds down the middle to encourage the snapping effect. Which is why it was heavier than the SL version.
oh yeah! that's one sweet ride! i have an '85 schwinn peloton.... my first real race bike. it still rides pretty nice and has a classic beauty to it.
awesome bike, id replace the saddle with a brooks swallow =) - but i personly like the nisene too, very comfortable to ride.
I just inherited this exact frameset. I am a novice at building bikes and I am looking for advice on components. Have any?
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